
Creating competitive advantage with Highly Wired™ employees

No one knows your business better than you do. And no one knows the capabilities, intellectual property and competitive advantage possibilities that come from your Highly Wired™ employees better than we do.

One of the newest scientific discoveries about human beings that deeply effects the workplace, Highly Wired™ employees are not well known or understood.

The aha! facilitating team helps companies identify their Highly Wired™ talent, helps create strategies around using their Highly Wired™ employees’ talents to competitive advantage and provides training and coaching to assist organizations in creating a culture where Highly Wired™ and Non-Highly Wired™ employees thrive together.


We help companies create a strategic advantage utilizing their Highly Wired™ employee talent, at all levels, that they already have in place and may be overlooking.

The genetic makeup of Highly Wired™ employees means their different brain and nervous system wiring allows them to take in detailed and subtle information missed by others and to process it more deeply –arriving at uniquely creative solutions and perspectives.

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Research has shown that Highly Wired™ employees are typically the highest performers in a company and that many Highly Wired™ people have even more to offer but are limited by the environments where they work.

We leverage your company’s preferred training approach to bring awareness and understanding of Highly Wired™ people that will transform business results and improve your employees’ experience–for Highly Wired™ and non-Highly Wired™ employees alike.

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Every Highly Wired™ employee has a unique style and approach that may not be understood or appreciated in your company culture.

Highly Wired™ employees often have creative, innovative solutions to problems your company is grappling with, and those solutions can be stuck inside your Highly Wired™ employees who have struggled to be heard and understood. As  important, they often have unique ideas that can lead to intellectual property possibilities.

We provide one-on-one and group coaching to support Highly Wired™ people in successfully navigating the world that is predominantly run by non-Highly Wired™ people.

We also provide coaching to management to help hire, support and elicit ideas and talents across the mix of Highly Wired™ and non-Highly Wired™ employees.